How to permanently or temporarily Delete a Facebook account?

Permanently or Temporarily Delete a Facebook account. Step by Step.

In today's interconnected world, Facebook has become an integral part of our social lives, connecting us with friends, family, and communities. However, it is essential to prioritize the security of our Facebook accounts to safeguard personal information and maintain privacy. Facebook is a good place if we use it well. We can get lots of benefits, like life advice, new ideas, and sharing good movements with your friends and family. It is also good for marketing, advertising, or selling your personal things like a watch, phone, car, or house. Sadly, some people use it for bad things like scamming and blackmailing. Because of these bad things, this is going too far, like raping and killing people. Again, Facebook is not a bad place, but we have to use it for good. Then we can avoid the bad things, stay safe, use it for good, and take advantage of Facebook. The most valuable advantage of Facebook is not having it, because lots of people waste their time on it doing nothing. If they spend that time on something good, like business or education, that’s the best investment of their lives. Today I am going to show you how to delete a Facebook account. I think this will help you someday or not. By following these guidelines, you can delete your Facebook account permanently or temporarily.

Guidelines for permanently or temporarily Delete a Facebook account.

Step 01

Log in to your Facebook account with your browser. You can download a Web browser if you do not have any,

Windows PC - Firefox, Edge, Chrome or Mac PC - Firefox, Edge, Chrome


Step 02

After you log in to your account, “Click” on your profile picture in the top right corner of the Facebook page.


Step 03

When you click your profile picture in the top right corner of the Facebook page, on the menu, select “Settings & Privacy.”


Step 04

Then select "Settings," then click Settings.


Step 05

After you click "Settings," the account center window will open.

If "Accounts Center" appears in the upper left of your Settings menu, you may remove your account there. You may remove your account using “Facebook Settings” if the Accounts Center is at the bottom left of your Settings menu. (Most of the accounts now will be deleted from the account center after the meta update.)

Account Center


Step 06

Click on “Accounts Center,” and the account center window will open.


Step 07

On the account center window, find “Personal Details” under "Account Settings” and click it.


Step 08

Once you click “Personal Details," you can see your personal details on the right side of the window. Click “Account ownership and control.”


Step 09

Once you click “Account ownership and control," Pop up a small window, Under the Account ownership and control setting, click “Deactivation or deletion.”


Step 10

To begin, you have to choose the account that you want to temporarily disable or permanently erase.


Step 11

If you wish not to use Facebook for a while, you can delete this account temporarily. For that, just check the “Deactivate Account," and the account will be Deactivating your account is temporary, but you can use Messenger while your account is temporarily deactivated.

If you wish not to use Facebook forever, you can permanently delete your account by just checking the “Delete account” option. If you delete your Facebook account, your profile picture will disappear, your account will not show when searched, your content will vanish, and you can't log in to the accounts where you are on other websites. Your Facebook account to access Meta Quest products or your Meta Quest information will also be deleted. This includes your app purchases and your achievements. You will no longer be able to return any apps and will lose any existing store credits.


Step 12

Deactivate account

If you want to Deactivating your account is temporary, check the “Deactivating your account is temporary” option and click “Continue.


Step 13

Here, you have to enter the login password for your security. Enter the password, then click "Continue.”


Step 14

You have to select one of the answers, Why are you “Deactivating your Facebook account?" Select one of them, then click "Continue.”

Deactivating your account will remove your name and photo from most things you've shared on Facebook. Some information may still be visible to others, such as your name in their friend list and messages you sent.


Step 15

You can automatically reactivate your account by “Selecting” the number of days, and then Facebook will automatically reactivate your account for you after that day counts, or you can select “Don’t reactive automatically.” If you select Don’t Reactive automatically, the account will be in Deactive mode until you are reactive by using yourself, or you can be reactive by just logging in to the account. Select what you prefer, then click “Continue.”

Step 16

In the Confirm temporary account deactivation window, “Groups you admin” section, you can see the groups you have created and also you as an admin of the groups. If you are the only admin of the group, you must add an additional admin to keep the group active and accessible. (If you are the only admin and deactivate the account, you will lose the adminship in these groups after 20 days from the deactivated date.)

To add an additional admin, click “Edit Admins.”


Step 17

After you click “Edit Admins," Facebook will take you to the Group Admins settings page. On the left side panel, click “Admin Tools.”


Step 18

Under the “Admin tools” panel, find and (1) click “Community Roles." You can see the settings for Community Roles on the right side. (2) Under “Standard Roles," click "Admin.”


Step 19

Add admins window, (1) search admin who you want as an admin of your group, then (2) click “invite


Step 20

Confirm the temporary account deactivation window. “Messenger” Section: (1)check “Continue using Messenger” if you want to continue using your main profile's Messenger. Using Messenger will not reactivate your deactivated Facebook account.

(2)After that, click “Deactivate my account.

As soon as you click “Deactivate my account," your account will automatically log out.

The Facebook account will automatically reactivate after that day counts, or you can reactivate the Facebook account by just logging in to the account.


Step 21

Delete account

If you want to delete your account permanently, (1)check the “Delete account” option and (2)click "Continue.”


Step 22

Select: Why do you want to delete your account? Check any of them, or you can just click “Continue” to go to the next step.


Step 23

Here in the “Permanently delete account” window, you can see a few things you can do before you delete.

To keep Messenger, deactivate instead

You can deactivate your account instead of deleting it. By clicking “Deactivate Account," it will take you to the deactivation process.


Step 23 - 2

Save posts in your archive

If you choose to keep your account but remove some posts and photographs from your profile, you may move them to your archive. Just click “Go to activity log.” From here, you can manage your posts, comments, and much more.


Step 23 - 3

Download your Facebook information

If you want to save this information before your account and content are permanently deleted, you can download a copy of your information. Click “Download Info” to get the file with your information.


Step 23 – 3 - 1

You have to request a copy of your information. When your file is ready, you'll have 4 days to download it. It's also a password-protected process that only you have access to. Click “Request a download.”



Step 23 – 3 – 1 - 1

You can request a “Complete Copy” or “Select The Types Of Information” to include in your file. If you want a complete copy, just click “Complete Copy.”


Step 23 – 3 – 1 – 1 – 1

Select file options. You can modify only a few options here; modify them as you need. Then click “Submit request.” You will get a notification when the file is ready, and you'll only have 4 days to download your file.


Step 23 – 3 – 1 – 2

If you want to download only a few pieces of information, click “Select types of information” to go to the next step.


Step 23 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 1

You can choose the types of information you want to download for each profile. After you have selected what you want to download, click "Next.


Step 23 – 3 – 1 – 2 – 2

Here, you can modify only a few options. Modify them as you need. Then click “Submit request.” You will get a notification when the file is ready, and you'll only have 4 days to download your file.


Step 23 – 4

Transfer a copy of your information

You can transfer a copy of your posts, photos, and video information to another service. Information you can transfer includes posts, photos, videos, and more. If you want to transfer click “Transfer Info” to transfer a copy of your information.


Step 23 – 4 – 1

You can transfer a copy of your posts, photos, and video information to another service. Click “Next” to go to the next step, or just close the window if you do not need it.


Step 23 – 4 – 1 – 1

You can transfer a copy of all your posts, photos, and video information to another service. You can transfer all your information by clicking “Your photos and videos,” or if you want a few of them, you can do it by clicking “Create custom transfer.”

If you want to transfer all Photos and videos, (1)check “Your photos and videos," then (2)click "Next.” Go to the next step.


Step 23 – 4 – 1 – 2

Choose where you want to transfer your photos and videos. Then click on the service where you want to transfer.


Step 23 – 4 – 1 – 3

Now, click “Connect” to connect the account and start the transfer.

Step 23 – 4 – 1 – 2

You can transfer a copy of a few of your posts, photos, and video information to another service. if you want a few Photos and videos (1)Check “Create custom transfer," then (2)click "Next.” Go to the next step.


Step 23 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 1

Choose where you want to transfer your photos and videos. Then click on the service where you want to transfer.


Step 23 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 2

Now, Choose to transfer a copy of your photos or videos to the selected service. Only certain types of information can be transferred. After you select what you want, Click “Next.”


Step 23 – 4 – 1 – 2 – 3

Now, click “Connect” to connect the account and start the transfer.


Step 23 – 5

Edit group admin settings

You have to add admins to your groups. So, by clicking “Edit admin settings,” it will take you to the “Groups” dashboard. Go to each group and add an additional admin to keep the group active and accessible.


Step 23 – 6

Review apps you've logged into

Here you can see and manage the website that you have used Facebook to log in. Clicking “View linked apps” will take you to the “Apps and Websites” page.


Step 23 – 6 – 1

Under “Apps and Websites," you can see the list of websites and applications that you have used Facebook to log in. Click “Remove” to unlink everything. Then Close the “Browser Tab.”


Step 24

Now, click “Continue” to go to the next step.


Step 25

Here, for your security, enter your logging password to continue. Enter the password and click "Continue.”


Step 26

Here we are. This is the final stage. Read the message, and after reading it, click “Delete account.”


You're about to schedule your account for permanent deletion. Once you schedule your account for deletion, you have 30 days to reactivate your account and cancel the deletion. After 30 days, the deletion process will begin, and you won't be able to retrieve any of the content or information you have added.

You can cancel the permanent deletion process at any time before the process starts through the Accounts Center or by logging into your Facebook account with your email, phone, and password.”